Autumn - A Creative Workshop with artist Jane Bevan 18th September 10-1pm

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Autumn - A Creative Workshop with artist Jane Bevan 18th September 10-1pm


Join artist Jane Bevan here at The Old Lock Up Gallery on 18th 10am – 1pm.

The traditional Japanese calendar has 72 micro seasons each one named after the changes in nature we see each day. June 27 th is called ‘Irises Bloom’ (Ayame hana saku ) because this is the season when hedgerows and gardens are over flowing with plant life, colour, scent and a multitude of birds and insects too.

The 72 micro-seasons (kō) is a traditional Japanese calendar system dividing the year into micro-seasons lasting about five days and named after changes in nature. In this delightful system September 18 th falls within the season called ‘Swallows Leave’.

To find out more about this fascinating approach, join us as we respond creatively to early Autumn by creating illustrated nature books decorated with nature drawings, printing, collage and text.

All tools and materials will be provided but please wear outdoor shoes and clothing suitable for a short walk and spending time outside collecting materials to use.We will explore this fascinating approach to the seasons starting with a short foraging walk in Cromford to really ‘notice nature’ and gather materials on our way. Back in the gallery we will create handmade nature books decorated with drawings, leaf prints, collage, stitching, words and personal reflections. A beautiful and thoughtful response to nature to take home and treasure.

Suitable for everyone, no experience needed.

Materials and refreshments are provided. You may wish to bring a packed lunch with you.

Jane Bevan is a Derbyshire artist with a passion for English woodlands, where she walks and forages daily. She gathers interesting and eye-catching materials such as bark, twigs, feathers and seeds which are transformed into collage, sculpture and vessels. The pieces are hand-stitched, tied and intricately assembled using waxed thread or natural cordage.

After a long career in museums Jane completed a degree in Craft at the University of Derby and exhibits her work in exhibitions, galleries and craft events nationwide. She runs nature based workshops for all ages in galleries and in the community, encouraging others to celebrate and engage with the natural world.

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