Watercolour Painting Nature in Detail - Autumn - with Amber Halsall 16th & 17th November

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Watercolour Painting Nature in Detail - Autumn - with Amber Halsall 16th & 17th November


This course will help you improve your watercolour skills and painting accuracy, encouraging you to look closely at your subject in order to to portray it in as much detail as possible. You will learn how to use a variety of watercolour techniques to create textures, and how to mix colours from a limited palette.

Learning how and when to use wet-in-wet, wet-on-dry and dry brush techniques, you will also learn measuring and an understanding of negative space to create a balanced composition and different mark-making techniques to create texture.

Sketchbook studies will be used to develop drawing skills and to gather information about your subjects. There will be tutor demonstrations and one-to-one tuition.

By the end of the course, you will have produced a small completed composition or a series of small detailed studies. You will have developed your knowledge of the various watercolour techniques, colour mixing and an understanding of how to build a painting from start to finish.

Amber trained at the University of Creative Arts in Canterbury. She then went on to specialise in watercolour and coloured pencil in botanical art. Amber currently works on private commissions and teaches botanical and watercolour classes. Her work is highly detailed with a contemporary style. She is a Fellow Member of the Society of Botanical Artists, exhibits regularly in London and Germany, and has sold work to private collections in the UK, Germany, France and China.

Price includes refreshments and lunch.

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