Shuuki - Opens 6th Oct 2-5pm: all welcome to the opening of the exhibition.

Our forthcoming exhibition falls at the start of Autumn - ‘Shuuki’ is a Japanese word that means ‘Autumn Air’ and it seems a good time to explore 2 themes that the Autumn months can symbolise: Letting go and abundance.

Autumn is often seen as a time for reflection and letting go: Autumn offers a parallel to the seasonal changes in our own lives. As many trees shed leaves and bark, nature reminds us to look at what we can each individually release and let go of: what no longer serves us.. Autumn is also a time brimming with natures beauty and abundance: a time for harvesting the fruits created during the long summer days and drinking in the abundance of beauty that this changing season creates.

Exhibiting Artists:

Amarajyoti - Tim Ball - Camila Carlow - Jane Fairhurst - Su France - Darren Hall - Evangelia Hamilton - Charley Hellier - Freya Horsley - Sophie Lawther Dunn - Alex McArthur - Linda Mustapha - Lior Locher - Rebecca Patterson - Tina Roe - Nigel Smith - Katherine Taylor - Kirsty Thomas - Kirsten Todd - Christine Urwin - Jo Wade - Heather Weston

To live in this world - Mary Oliver

you must be able

to do three things:

to love what is mortal; 

to hold it

against your own bones knowing

your own life depends on it;

and, when the time comes to

let it go,

to let it go

Abundance - Amy Schmidt - in memory of Mary Oliver

It’s impossible to be lonely

when you’re zesting an orange.

Scrape the soft rind once

and the whole room

fills with fruit.

Look around: you have

more than enough.

Always have.

You just didn’t notice

until now.